Days to beginning: 144



22-24 AUGUST 2025


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Event Registration

 Participant identification (obligatory) 
Nick: *
First name: *
Surname: *
Diacritics will be removed from your Name and Surname in order to make your registration easier. Thank you for your understanding.
E-mail: *
Phone number: *     (format +420 123456789)
Password: *     (min. 6 characters)
Confirm password: *
Town: *
Country: *
Gender: *
Age: *
How many previous BW events you have attended?: *

Select your team: *
Select your fraction: *
Arrival: *
Departure: *

 Optional Items 
Team payment (we will send money in one payment)
I want to order my game side velcro patch (ticket price will be higher for 6 EUR)
I want to order my game side army velcro patch (ticket price will be higher for 6 EUR)
I want to order Border War MILSIM event memorabilia patch (ticket price will be higher for 6 EUR)
I want to order Velcro Campaign Patch (6 EUR)
I want to order Velcro Veteran patch (ticket price will be higher for 6 EUR)
Do you want T-Shirt:        (Limited edition game t-shirt 17 EUR)
Bidegradable BBs 25g (4000 pieces):       (19 EUR / piece)
Bidegradable BBs 28g (3550 pieces):       (21 EUR / piece)
G and G BBs will be distributed and processed by on spot airsoft shop (Bohemia Airsoft) based upon your order.

 Personal car pass 
Personal Car Pass (Limited non game personal vehicle acess to player base during non game time) (ticket price will be higher for 17 EUR))

 Additional information (Dress code) 
Uniform type based upon the selected game side:   
I will use helmet because its mandatory (TF Only)

 Additional information (Experience and Expectations) 
I prefer lot of shooting and less walking (Im extensive Firefights focused)
I prefer more walking less shooting (Tactical Focus)
I want to sleep ingame in the base
Im interested in intensive LARPing

 Additional information (I want to be) 
Riffle Men (I will fulfill orders)
Squad Leader (5 - 20 people)
Platoon Leader (30 - 50 people)
Company Commander (100 people)
Army Commander (Game side)

 Additional information (Equipment and travel) 
I want to join night missions
Im bringing generator and other heavy team equipment (I would wish to drive my stuff to the base) (Approval Process Required)
I'm bringing VHF or UHV radio and I will use only orga given frequencies
I come by bus or minibus with my team
I want to build on the base our large military tent for my team (Approval process required)
I come with trailer or camper (I need large parking space)

I read and understand the Rules *
I accept The Terms & Conditions *

Evolution Airsoft
Gunfire Partner Logo
Supported by:
Armáda České Republiky


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